Legal Summit

About Us

About GCLS

Welcome to the Global Creative Legal Summit in Africa

In a world where African culture is shining brightly on the global stage through music, fashion, film, and art, it is crucial that our creative and legal ecosystems evolve in tandem. Over the last decade, the growth of entertainment and creative industry law has been significant, but it has lacked a coordinated approach.

The primary asset of the creative industry is intellectual property rights, making it essential to rapidly educate and spotlight the lawyers and creatives who protect and create these valuable assets. The Global Creative Legal Summit in Africa is dedicated to educating ecosystem lawyers and creatives on the principles of creative industry law.

This summit aims to equip legal professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate both local and global creative markets effectively. At the same time, creatives will gain crucial insights into the legal fundamentals of their industry, empowering them to protect their work and thrive in a competitive landscape.

By attending, you will contribute to the rapid development of policies for the African creative industry and help create new models that address the unique challenges of our multipolar world.

Join us at this groundbreaking event to learn, network, and lead the way in shaping the future of creative industry law in Africa. Together, we can ensure that our legal framework supports the continued growth and global impact of African culture

KeyNote Speaker

Learn. Network. Innovate

Join us at this groundbreaking event to learn, network, and lead the way in shaping the future of creative industry law in Africa. Together, we can ensure that our legal framework supports the continued growth and global impact of African culture


To cultivate an inclusive and accessible global ecosystem of legal minds and creatives collaborating to unlock the full economic potential of creative expression in Africa through efficient legal protection and knowledge. Through shared knowledge and empowered action, we envision a future where legal understanding fuels boundless African creativity across the globe.


To bridge the legal knowledge gap within the diverse creative landscape. We achieve this by fostering an inclusive and accessible environment at the Creative Legal Summit.Through collaborative workshops, expert-led masterclasses engaging speakers, and readily available resources, we empower both creatives and legal professionals to navigate the legal terrain with confidence. This fosters a collaborative spirit that unlocks the full potential of Africa’s creative endeavors worldwide.


Meet The Team Behind Global Creative Legal Summit